A downloadable Kevin's game

My little brother's name was Kevin. He was diagnosed at the age of 5 with an inoperable meningeal brain tumor. The doctors all said he wouldn't make it past the age of 7.

But he proved them wrong. He made it all the way to 11.

Around the time he was 8, our parents bought him his first computer. He quickly took interest in video games, specifically making video games. He dabbled in a few quick-and-easy game making programs before settling on a version of RPG Maker. He worked every day on a game, that he just called "my game", but he never really talked about to anyone. He worked really hard on it. He was working on it diligently all the way up to the final days before his last trip to the ER.

After Kevin passed away in November of 2021, mom asked me to get on his computer and scrounge around for any of Kevin's stuff to store on an external hard drive, especially his game.

As it turns out, even though I don't think he ever actually finished making his game, he got a huge amount of work done on it. With my parents' permission, I've decided to make Kevin's game publicly available for anybody interested.